I’m so excited to partner with you on this absolutely incredible event.
The “I graduated, Now what?” conference is a 3-day interactive event that will help college graduates find a job they love, explore their creative energy, and transform their mind.
On this page, you’ll find more information of resources meant to make your life AMBASSADORS an affiliate as easy as possible and answer any questions you might have. If you run into a question I didn’t answer, email me at Nikki@GreenChameleonCollective.com.
While conferences are great for overall visibility and making new connections, a little extra income never hurts either, right?

We’ve set up an affiliate program for everyone to help celebration Graduation 2021! By subscribing to our affiliates program, you’ll receive a commission from all sales from traffic you refer to the event. Payouts will be made by Mid-August.
You can become an Ambassador for the “I Graduated” conference, just by registering!
Once your registration is complete, you will receive an special invite link to share with your family and friends. Simply use that link and each person who signs up will earn you $5 back on your registration! You can earn up to the full amount of your purchase in rewards, so you basically will be attending for free!
Yes, I’m interested in being an ambassador for the “I graduated, Now what?” conference
And don’t forget to follow Nikki Green and the Green Chameleon crew on your favorite social platform for more chances for prizes leading up to and during the event!
During the promotion phase, as the summit is running, and for a week after the summit is complete, we’ll be promoting the VIP Program. This includes access to the replays following the conference, as well as additional bonuses the speakers will throw in (copies of their books, discount on coaching services and more!). This will provide immense value to the attendees, while making the work of promoting worthwhile by allowing you to bring in affiliate commissions.
Speakers or Sponsors AFFILIATES – If you have your own online course, book, service discount, or product, that you’d like to throw in, let me know. Contributing will make it even easier to promote the VIP Program!
As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.
Keep the “Important Dates” – except the late line on payouts
Here’s a roundup of our key dates:
- Promotion period: July 1st through July 26th
- Summit dates: July 26th through 29th
- Our VIP Program cart closes: Midnight on July 31st
- Affiliate: by Mid-August